8-6-2014 Intel Guru Freeway Bill
8-6-2014 Intel
Guru Freeway Bill I am coming to you in what may very well be the last time (we
pray) so I have to make it count...The news you are hearing are half
truths! The movement you are reading about are half truths! But, do
you really think anyone knows enough to lay 100% truth on you? The great thing is that there is enough truth in what you are hearing
and reading to be very excited about the progress that has been made in the
past few months and KNOW that you are closer to the day you have been waiting
on now than ever before IMHO! The RATES don't matter! I promise you it will be enough to curl
your hair....(for those that have any). No INTEL here, NO HOPIUM!
Just ingredients that based on what I know to be true and mix that with what
COULD be true tells me to look toward the heavens and be encouraged...