8-4-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni
8-4-2014 Newshound
Guru Kaperoni In fact, reading the "transition to a market
economy" documents...state the
central bank must move to the new Exchange Regime prior to opening the Capital
Account. Which is great news for us because it gives
us a timeline. Also, it make no sense for the CBI to RV prior to
moving to a new regime as they would be forgoing profits (which is what the CBI
wants) as the dinar rises. No international banks or central banks are
going to just take "a leap of faith" on some RV of the dinar at say 1
to $1 rate. This is a much more complicated matter than just some
simple RV... As Saleh stated...they want
the dinar to be a "hard" currency (which means it must float) and be
traded around the world and held in central banks for a very long time. The only way that happens is if the dinar appreciates gradually so the
bankers can profit.
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