8-4-2014 Intel Guru
8-4-2014 Intel
Guru Article quote: "...A source from the National Alliance, the four-way
meeting was held yesterday evening between the head of the National Alliance,
Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Parliament Speaker Salim al and Fuad Masum, President of the Republic and the
President of the Federal Court Medhat al-Mahmoud to discuss the biggest bloc in
parliament..." This article is saying al-Jubouri, Massoum, Medhat al-Mahmound and
al-Jaafari met and decided the NA would be the ones to form the next GOI – not
the SLC singularly. It goes on to say (translated) Massoum will call the NA to
proceed later this week (essentially – based on the Eid al-Fitr timeline). HUGE NEWS turn out the lights
Maliki - the party is OVER!!