8-4-2014 Newshound Guru Tlar
8-4-2014 Newshound
Guru Tlar ...the definition of what constitutes the largest block was at
issue. It was important to make sure to the coalition that they define that as
something other than the SOL. Jubouri yesterday defined the largest block as the
National Alliance effectively removing the power the SOL was trying to obtain through the
courts by having them rule the SOL was the biggest block. The National Alliance (Shia
Party) consists primarily of two opposing groups, the coalition 83 MP'S and the
SOL 95 MP'S. (State of Law).
The coalition wants Chalabi or Mahdi which are both acceptable to all Iraqi's
and are non sectarian. The SOL leadership wants Maliki and has shown no
interest in negotiating. Things are moving very fast and things are not going
Maliki's way. He is still fighting but becoming more irrelevant every
day. Side
prediction - Maliki and the leadership of the SOL will be on an airplane
heading to parts unknown within an hour of the announcement from the NA of
their new nominee.