8-15-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni
8-15-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article:
"Maliki: relinquish the
premiership in favor of Abadi to facilitate the functioning of the political
process" I am certain that Maliki would never be acting this way unless there is motivation. He pretty much dug himself in and stated he would not give up a third
Article: "Failed
assassination attempt on Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Haider Abadi, led by
Nuri al-Maliki led to the injury of the latter injured" Looks to me that we have a clear reason
for Maliki's change of heart...he got caught!...it seems apparent that he
tried to take out Abadi today which then would have kept him in power (at least for the time being).
"A change of heart" does not cut the mustard when it comes to Maliki.