Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6-3-2014 Newshound Guru Millionday

6-3-2014   Newshound Guru Millionday   [If the reality rate appears at say .86 or 1.13 will it be exchangeable at that rate world wide instantly or just in Iraq?]   it will be the exchange rate that you would get as if you were traveling and will be global.  [Are they still waiting to see who the next PM will be before RVing?]    i have not seen that they are waiting for the PM to be named for anything economical...i dont see that they are waiting for anything in ink -- i dont even see according to the statement by the gov of CBI, Turki that they are waiting on the budget so without anything in ink or by press statement -- i cant say that they are waiting on anything...we dont have the date but they seem to be saying that they are working on moving iraq to a market economy.