6-11-2014 Intel Guru Winalot
6-11-2014 Intel Guru Winalot The country is flooded with visitors from other countries.
It is going to be confusing
enough for the Iraqi's, without adding a half dozen other foreign currencies
brought in by the visitors to deal with. Not to mention the cost of
exchanging that currency at the new rates. Today, we see
that Al-qaeda has has taken over parts of Mosul,
and they already control Fallujah. Do you think for one second that there
will be a revaluation while this is going on? I seriously doubt
it. Al-qaeda would gain too much financially if the revaluation were
to occur. I have no idea where that leaves us as far as a time
frame... and I seriously doubt anyone knows. Including Iraq. [post 2 of 2]