6-10-2014 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77
6-10-2014 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77
Article: "Economist: delay
in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon" Any
relationship between the Iraqi government and the high exchange rate of the
dinar against the USD has been ruled out by economists and an expected recovery
of the dollar within the next few days is predicted...the CBI is the one who sets policies for the exchange
rate of the IQD against any foreign currency...they are the only one who has
the authority to affect such changes...that is an important
point to remember...it is a positive thing to witness the continued auctions by
the CBI even with the government basically at a standstill due to the lack of
an approved budget...this shows the independence of the CBI to the
government...the drop in the price of
the buying and selling of the USD and other foreign currencies is positive for
the policy of national exchange.