Monday, June 2, 2014

6-2-2014 Intel Guru Mnt Goat

6-2-2014   Intel Guru Mnt Goat   Two major, major events took place and both very significant for us dinar holders. The signing of the final paperwork for Iraq to enter the WTO and the amendment to EO 13303 freeing up the assets of the CBI,  now no longer under sanctions within the USA.  It is my strong feeling we are looking at possibly around mid July towards the end of July before we see the announce of the fully, functional, stable government. I do not expect to see any IQD revaluation international until just prior to or after the announcements of the new government line up. This I believe has to happen and this I believe will be the grand finale. I certainly hope it all happens prior to this date.   [post 2 of 2]