Friday, May 9, 2014

5-9-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni

5-9-2014   Newshound Guru Kaperoni    ...thinking a reduction in auction sales means they are about to raise the value of the dinar.  Wrong!   The CBI is not compliant with the IMF.  Until they prove they can do what is asked of them (via the Article IV Consultation) the CBI is not moving to Article VIII nor a new exchange regime. The recent statement that said "mid year" or June does not imply a change in value of the dinar, but compliance with the IMF.  Nothing more. If the CBI meets that goal of mid year or June, we still need laws to be passed for economic and banking reform There is much to be done yet before we can hope for an increase in the value of the dinar.  [post 2 of 2]