5-23-2014 Newshound Guru Adam Montana
5-23-2014 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I
fully expect Maliki to keep his position. Some might think that’s a bad thing,
but I don’t. Maliki is the most experienced person for the role and has
established relationships with the key players in a potential RV.
I’m not saying I like the guy, I’m just saying that it makes some sense to keep
him in there. But how is the RV scene looking? Actually, it’s looking
pretty good after the last couple weeks! Consider the following: 1.
The Kurds picked up a few more seats, giving them more political power. The HCL needs to be finalized in order for an RV to be successful, and
now that the Kurds have more “pull”, it’s going to force the rest of Iraq to give in on some things they have been holding out on. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]