Friday, May 9, 2014

5-9-2014 Newshound Guru Adam Montana

5-9-2014  Newshound Guru Adam Montana    [I read...that the Iraq election ballots will take about a month to count and tally. If this is true then would you say that we wont see anything as far a real RV progress until those ballots are fully counted and a new PM is elected?]   I think that's a reasonable assumption. Here's something to consider, though:  Say things are looking in Maliki's favor, and the opposition starts to get riled up. Maliki calls the RV...That would completely destroy his opponent's chances of any kind of recall or anything else, wouldn't it?   [Do you think they will wait to pass the budget until after the new GOI is seated?]  No, I don't see too much delay in this process.