Thursday, February 6, 2014

2-6-2014 Newshound Guru Millionday

2-6-2014   Newshound Guru Millionday   Article quote:   "The office was opened about a month ago in the Land of central Baghdad, and began working formally Currently, a first of its kind in Iraq..."   they are opening the trade of all stocks and currency as with all stock exchange and with this office it is for the exchange to promote the economy and move forward with the reform...they are preparing to go global through this opening of the baghdad building for exchange - so there is a new announcement...on cbi.  Islamic banking which is what cbi is under as we know has received their credit rating -- it is AAA.   I hope everyone realizes how great that was -- it is the opening of the door for us and is huge...  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]