2-25-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni
2-25-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article:
"Confirmed that the move of the private sector
will absorb unemployment rates for parliamentary Finance (Badr): New stability
in the price of the dinar against the dollar" ...clearly the IMF and Finance Committee
(Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri) are on the same page. IMO there is no doubt
that the IMF has been very transparent on the intentions of the
dinar. ...the IMF Article IV consultation states...gradual
appreciation based on the Balassa-Samuelson effect. Here
is the definition...“In
1964, academics Bela Balassa, a Hungarian economist, and Paul Samuelson, a
Nobel-Laureate economist, independently observed that countries with higher
levels of productivity growth experienced rapidly rising real wages and so
appreciating real exchange rates."