2-26-2014 Newshound/Intel Guru Dinar Daddy According to my sources within Iraq, things are
about to change within the next year. Specifically
what those changes are, I have learned not to share and speculate openly. All who are still holding on to the dream of the
Iraqi Dinar revaluing, of Iraq rising from the ashes, of a redenomination of
the currency that will then open the door to an increase in the value of the
IQD, should remain connected to information that will help them. I'm concerned too many have
become apathetic due to careless people who've "cried wolf" one too
many times in the past. I'm not in the "rumor gathering and
sharing" mode of following the Iraqi Dinar. I'm in preparedness mode for what may come...do
NOT disengage from being aware at this point in time.