Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2-5-2014 Newshound Guru Millionday

2-5-2014   Newshound Guru Millionday    [since they need a reality rate to get into the WTO and the workshop is set up for march is there a good chance of an RV before march?]   in order to take part in trade with the organization wto -- they have to have a reality rate to make it competitive by international compliance.  [with all the progress, what do you see as the key to RV? the acceptance of all they want listed on the isx -- and i have always believed that an event this large has a set date.   i have been looking for clues of what that date is and it seems that they are in a huge hurry at this point.  the one thing that excited me -- well i should say just one of the things is that Najafi held a closed door meeting with parliament yesterday and included all leaders etc. and resolved as they reported the budget.  [the stated reason for the meeting was specifically the budget?]  yes.