Wednesday, August 6, 2014

8-6-2014 Intel Guru DC

8-6-2014     Intel Guru DC  [via Adept1]   Things are exceptionally good – really a continuation from Monday.  We are waiting on the announcement of the PM for the RV, and everything is in a wonderful spot.  It makes sense for these announcements to be wrapped into the end of the religious festival. Bottom line: everybody is extremely excited because they have got to a foundational point for the upcoming turnaround that Iraq will go through. The whole economy will get a huge boost, worldwide.  They are just waiting for the IMF to give the word;  we understand they have set the time for that, but we are not going to say it.  We’re not going to leak that!   We just pray everything stays on track. I believe we are at a very, very close point for this to be done.