Thursday, August 14, 2014

8-14-2014 Intel Guru DC

8-14-2014   Intel Guru DC   Bottom line, folks, is that things look very, very good.  It’s similar to Monday where we had concrete steps in Iraq and to push the RV out. Iraq is making credible moves forward.  Maliki has moved most of his papers out of his office and burned many of his files...Maliki is still there, but not really in play. The CBI and others have put out press statements saying they are implementing banking reforms, and the revaluation as it applies to everyone’s financial balance sheets.  They have to use the new rates to reflect the new dinar.   [some sources have been saying the Iraqi government has to be seated and stable, and until then Turki will not release the RV?]  We have a good feel for where the CBI stands, and we don’t think that’s really an issue any longer.  WE have been told to ramp up our preparations we believe this is coming out on a short timeframe.