I heard some really positive news today! This is the best I’ve felt about the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar into the international community of global currencies in quite some time.
I’m posting this because I’ve heard a few things today that definitely got my attention. I’m bringing some of what we talked about to your attention without revealing too much or pump the intel. It’s not what this post is about for me. Please understand I’m NOT trying to get in the rumor sharing business, and I’m being as genuine as I can with my intent in posting this. Take it for what it’s worth, nothing more than what I’ve heard… nothing more than me not being able to keep it to myself because it excited me…
- Following the Iraqi Dinar is NOT something we can REALLY track because its manually manipulated by people who are in control. It really was suppose to happen many times in the past, but was stopped for a number of factors many can guess at.
- The event is something that has never been done before on this scale, so to compare to history doesn’t mean anything.
- There is no rhyme or reason for what is happening due to the escalating private political climate of those in charge, so there is no reason to speculate on what will happen BEFORE Iraq’s currency is reinstated internationally, only to share what we’ve heard and wait patiently, maintaining our anticipation levels on an even keel.
- The reinstatement of Iraq’s currency is imminent (1 day or 1 year… hearing by the end of April), nothing more needs to be shared or speculated on.
- Iraq’s currency will be brought back in with the rest of the world and it will increase in value. It HAS to! Iraq is one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and you’re telling me its a “SCAM?! Are you kidding me?! Only those who LIE for gain are scammers! There are too many good people tracking this thing to call following it a “SCAM”. LOL! It’s simply being manipulated and WE are definitely NOT in control. If everyone can be personally accountable for their own expectations, buy decisions, and so on, there would be no issues. Too many people nowadays blame their actions on others. The lack of accountability in this day and age is frightening.
- Rates, Dates, Amounts, Hows, Whats, and Whys are known by NO ONE outside those who are involved. Those who call the shots don’t reveal their information because of who they are. We are a byproduct of what they are doing, not THE REASON for why they are doing it. As such, it’s best to just sit back, relax, wait, wait some more, continue to wait, and hope it one day turns out the best for us all. So no reason for ANYONE to pretend they know everything. That’s a clear sign they’re a liar and are conflicted between fame, gain, or simply wanting desperately to be part of the action.
- Many have speculated about what will happen AFTER a reinstatement, and many are closer to the truth than they realize with that information. Stick with discussions around that, avoid rate and date, and things would be more accurate everywhere following Iraq’s currency.
- I don’t want to give a timeline for anything but I’m hopeful between now and the end of April that we may have a few real answers.
- What I shared from the very beginning about the “PLAN” appears to be dead on. I was confident back then because of who I was hearing it from, and I am even more confident now.
- The skeptical side of me wants to hedge my bet through the end of the year and maybe even longer just to be safe. The hopeful side of me wants to scream specifics. Unfortunately, I’ve been too beaten up over the years, even for information I personally never said, for things on my websites. Now with this, I’m hoping you can read between the lines, be aware, stand at the ready, keep your expectations in line, and wait.
It’s amazing what can happen over the course of a 30 minute conversation to change a perspective. I’ve done almost a 180 in my hopes, though I’ve always known I’d make a nice return on this speculative play. I’m cautiously hopeful that what I’ve dreamed about for myself, my family, my friends, and all my loyal site readers over the past five or so years may actually finally come true. I’m once again optimistic!
On another note, if indeed what I’ve heard is true, that would make the current “Hidden Treasure Sweepstakes” I’ve been encouraging all of you to participate in, one of the largest giveaways in the history of the world! The winnings would place it into a LOTTERY WINNER category level if it were to happen the way I was told. LOL! Good thingTreasury Vault already has the foreign currencies purchased and stored with Federal Secure. 

Just for the record, what I’ve shared in this post is all speculation. I’ve shared because I have tremendous hope and I couldn’t contain it. I just want you all to be aware and alert. It makes what I’ve been working on, even more critical!
“If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” I’m preparing for all contingencies…
Go Hope… Go Positive Info… Go Dinar!
Dinar Daddy