3-31-2014 Newshound/Intel Guru Eagle1
3-31-2014 Newshound/Intel Guru Eagle1 Christine [Legarde] has made it clear to many
that she is willing to bypass the U.S. and move ahead with the Global Currency Reset. A meeting is planned with the IMF and the World Bank on April 10 and
11. It is conceivable that if we don't get an RV/GCR by that date that a
decision could be made to move ahead unilaterally with the other nations. Am I
predicting that? No. I'm expecting things to move without us having to
reach such a confrontational stage. We're in the midst of something exciting,
and whether we see it this weekend, next week, or the week after is less
important than the fact that we are coming to the finish line!
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