Friday, January 31, 2014

1-31-2014 Newshound Guru Adam Montana

1-31-2014   Newshound Guru Adam Montana    [IF THE VALUE OF OUR DOLLAR GOES DOWN (LET'S SAY TO $.75) AND THE RV IS ANNOUNCED AT A RATE OF (TO KEEP IT SIMPLE) 1 TO 1, THE ACTUAL VALUE WOULD BE  $.75 US TO 1 DINAR, RIGHT AND THEREFORE ONE MILLION DINAR WOULD BE WORTH $750,000. COULD THIS BE ONE REASON WHY YOU ARE STICKING TO YOUR $.10 TO $.86 PER DINAR OR SOMETHING CLOSE TO THAT?]  Unfortunately, the value of the dollar DOES affect everything and everyone in the entire financial world. I am sticking to my rate theory because it makes sense at almost any level other than a devalue of the USD proportionate to what Iraq faced... but that will never happen. The world simply won't let it, too many countries depend on the USD in too many ways to list.  Is it bad for us? Yes, of course. Everything involving higher debt, lower value of the USD, unpayable obligations... all of that is bad for