Tuesday, January 28, 2014
1-28-2014 Intel Guru TD
1-28-2014 Intel Guru TD As far as the currency market instability mentioned on
Friday's business networks, particularly CNBC, it
is true that recently some weakness has emerged but namely countries mentioned
specifically were Turkey, Argentina, Russia & others but no reference about
the IQD. The 300 point decline in the Dow is only 2%, much of it
profit taking and knee jerk reactions to rumors & news of the Feds tapering
agenda coming up and nothing to be alarmed about. [Is
there any significance to the GCR?] No, because the Global
Reset of 200 nations simultaneously occurring is fable. It is quite possible
for 3-4 nations to do some minor adjustments this Sunday but that's about it.
The IQD will NOT be one of those countries. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]