Saturday, October 26, 2013

10-26-2013 Intel Guru Mnt Goat

10-26-2013   Intel Guru Mnt Goat   I am not saying anyone of these intel providers are liars but I do want to say that perhaps they are intentionally being fed misinformation at this time...for a purpose as to confuse the general public and future investors.  Do you really think that sources...high up in Washington DC or in the IMF...are going to spread the truth about very sensitive information and give it to you so that you, terrorists or investment managers can run out and stock up on currency reserves and potentially bring down this entire effort they have worked so hard on now to bring about?  We are so close to this event and they do not want anyone to know the date or rate. We are still in an excellent position to see this revaluation activation occur very soon. [post 3 of 3]