7-22-2014 Newshound Guru Kaperoni
7-22-2014 Newshound
Guru Kaperoni Let's go
Article VIII! I really believe Article VIII is coming this year. When
you look back at the 2013 Article IV Consultation, the IMF called for the CBI
some 5-6 times to move to Article VIII in that report. IMO, the reason
they have held off on the 2014 report is to give the CBI time to accomplish
this request. This article is very "matter of
fact" with this statement..."He
pointed out during his speech for the "morning" that this trend will
strengthen the position of local trade internationally, after the currency
gained international acceptance process,..." Quote: "pointing
to the importance of activating the measures adopted in the present time.." They mean now! my optimism is good but
don't forget the government needs to be formed, laws need to be passed, and
they need to get control of the terrorism.