Wednesday, July 2, 2014
7-2-2014 Intel Guru Mnt Goat
7-2-2014 Intel Guru Mnt Goat The State of Law Coalition is still insisting they are entitled
to back Nuri Al-Maliki as their party did obtain the majority votes in the
preliminary election results. So today we stand on a new timeline once again. Postponement seems to be the name of
the game once again. Should I instead call it “stalling”? Stalling on the part
of Maliki and...the State of Law
coalition to buy yet more time to find a way to get Maliki in for a 3rd
term. He already got them to postpone the 6/24 session to
6/27 then to 7/1 and now for another week.
[post 1 of 2....stay tuned]