11-5-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG
11-5-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG there seems to be a "significant divergence" of
narratives on the situation in Iraq. On one side Maliki's Press Office seems to want to push the story of a
"complete embrace" by Washington - However... On the other side there seems to be
a very different perspective. 1) Maliki put out press that he was going
to a meeting with President Obama and discuss the future of Iraq...In fact, he met with President Obama very little. 2) Upon hearing this narrative by Maliki, Vice President Biden immediately invited ALL the opposition leaders - not a good sign for Maliki to have a series of
"negotiations" in DC followed immediately by a visit with all of your
opposition members. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]