Friday, November 1, 2013

11-1-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana

11-1-2013   Newshound Guru Adam Montana   [I was thinking a couple of thoughts about the Dinar revalue & timing. The longer the dinar takes to re-value, the more Dinars those in power & the general public in Iraq, can stockpile and accumulate, so they have a larger end game nest egg , so to speak. Because now they are getting paid in low value Dinars, Once revalue hits, they will be paid in fewer Dinars which are worth more.  Possible?]   This is something that has been going on for a long time - the rich and powerful are of course stockpiling their Dinar in anticipation of a rise in the value of the Dinar. I don't believe they are intentionally delaying an RV for this reason, this is simply a byproduct of the situation.